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  1. Tag a commit to release from using semantic versioning (e.g. v1.0.0-rc1)

  2. Visit the Release GitHub Action and enter the tag.

GitHub Release Action

  1. When the action completes, visit the generated draft Github releases and enter the details about the release:
  2. Getting started (copy from previous release and new version)
  3. Changelog

  4. Update stable tag:

    git tag stable --force && git push $REPO stable --force
  5. Update Brew formula:

    git clone
    cd homebrew-tap
    git pull
    ./ kubectl-argo-rollouts $VERSION
    git commit -am "Update kubectl-argo-rollouts to $VERSION"
    git push


  1. Install locally using the command below and follow the Getting Started Guide:

    kubectl apply -n argo-rollouts -f${VERSION}/install.yaml
  2. Check the Kubectl Argo Rollout plugin:

    brew upgrade kubectl-argo-rollouts
    kubectl argo rollouts version